Thursday, May 29, 2014

Tunes-day Thursday

Here we go! Our first ever Tunes-day Thursday. Apologies in advance for the randomness of the songs i'm digging this week...

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

"Where Feet May Fail"

You know how sometimes a quote stops you in your tracks? Or a story? Something that makes you think, this was put here for me to see - there's a purpose to it's placement. That happened to me this morning during my morning devotional. I was reading my Jesus Calling passage, when a sentence made me stop.

The only remedy is to switch your focus from the problem to My Presence. - Jesus Calling
I am certainly one of the easily distracted, and I can never say no if someone asks me to do something. (I am working on it). Maybe I do have the "fear of missing out" - I think it's more of a "fear of missing an opportunity." But I tend to attempt to solve my problems for myself, it doesn't usually work out so well. In the busyness that fills my life, I lost sight of his presence. The one that has the greater & ultimate plan. I have to remember to let him take the lead. Because he has far greater plans for me, than I have for myself. So this week I will attempt to be more focused on his presence & not my personal convictions.

How do you stay focused on your faith during the week?

Monday, May 19, 2014

"You Are The Best Thing"

After much peer pressure (ahem Caroline & Jennifer), I am back in the blogging world. I knew I couldn't go back to my old blog, a. because I didn't want to pay for my domain name & b. because it's so much of the last chapter of my life. One I'm ready to close. So what better way to kick off a new blog than with some engagement pictures of me & my man. Enjoy!

A very special thank you to cawood photography for these amazing shots & of course capturing who we truly are. Brandi you are so talented & made us feel so at ease and let us just be ourselves. We are so grateful to you for capturing our essence.